How To Order a Licence

Christine-GIS 5.x is not a free software. You can use it for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 21 days. Christine-GIS is full functional throughout the evaluation period. For using it after the 21 day evaluation period an activation fee is required. Any time during evaluation period or after you can get activation code.

Activation fee is 59 EUR per licence (39 EUR upgrade of licence) without VAT.

Christine-GIS 5.x (59 EUR without VAT)
Christine-GIS 5.x upgrade from version 4.x (39 EUR without VAT)

If you would like to order or purchase a licence of Christine-GIS please send an e-mail with your demand to for more information.

When activation fee is received you will be sent an activation code which allows you to use this software without time limitation. Activation code is valid for all future updates and upgrades of version 5.x.

If you do not receive activation code in two days after payment was done, please contact us on e-mail address