Write to us

Register yourself as Christine-GIS user

Please register yourself to become member of Christine-GIS user’s community. If you register, you will receive the following benefits:

You can ask us for solutions of your problems with Christine
You will get the detailed information about updates of Christine
You will get the information about our hot new products

Please mail suggestions or bug reports to us

We are interested in your feedback on this software. Please mail suggestions or bug reports to feedback@christine-gis.com. Technical support is not available from this address, but your feedback will help us to plan future changes and will make them more useful to you in the future.

Registered users can ask us for solutions of their problems

Although we try to test all possible situations, some bugs may appear, or you may have hardware, software or data which we do not have to test. So, if you are registered user, you can send to us description of bugs or your problem. Your problem will be solved as quickly as possible and you will be informed about solution. Bugs and problems of unregistered users will be solved in second order and these users will not be informed about solution.

Please be as specific as possible about bugs. If we cannot duplicate your problem, we cannot help get it fixed. Sometimes will be necessary to send us also part of data to demonstrate bug. Except detailed description of system configuration and bug don’t forget to write your name and registration number. Send your bug report to email address bugreport@christine-gis.com.