Distributing your maps on CD

Starting Christine-GIS Viewer 1.2 (build 1.050628), you can distribute your maps on CD together with data using Christine-GIS Viewer. Users will be able to work with your map presentation without installation of any software on their computer. This article describes how you can do it.

Before you start making your map presentation create a directory on your harddisk. In this directory you will create contents of your distribution CD. In the end you will burn all contents of the directory to CD. In this article the directory is called cdrom.

Overview of five steps of making your distribution CD

  • Copy your installation of Christine-GIS Viewer to cdrom directory
  • Copy your data to cdrom directory
  • Create a project with map presentation
  • Create autorun.inf file
  • Finally you must burn contents of cdrom directory to CD medium and test it

    Step One
    Install Christine-GIS Viewer on your harddisk. Find installation directory (probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Christine-GIS 1.5) and copy it to cdrom directory.

    Step Two
    In cdrom directory create subdirectory where data will be stored. In this article the subdirectory is called data. Copy all data you need to create map presentation to data directory. For large data sets its recomended to create spatial index (*.six files). After you set legend or classify data you can store these settings to legend file (*.leg file). Save spatial index files and legend files together with data.

    Step Three
    Run Christine-GIS Viewer, create your map presentation and save it to project file (project.cri) using relative paths to data. You can enhance your project using following two scripts.

  • Use script below to show startup banner and change Christine’s icon and title. Of course, you must prepare an icon file (icon.ico) with small (16×16 pixels) and large (32×32 pixels) icons and startup banner file (banner.bmp). Insert following source code into script document named “About Presentation”, check syntax and set the script as startup script (in Project Properties dialog).

  • App application;
    application.SetName("My Presentation");
    MsgBox dlg;
    Number nValue;
    Bool bValue;
    ' full file name of icon file
    Project proj;
    String sProjDir;
    String sIconFN;
    sIconFN = sProjDir + "\\icon.ico";
    ' open dynamic linked library
    DLL myDll;
    myDll.Load("user32.dll", bValue);
    if (!(bValue)); exit; endif;
    ' find procedure for loading icon from file
    NumberList parameters;
    myDll.FindProc("LoadImageA", parameters, bValue);
    if (!(bValue)); exit; endif;
    ' call procedure for loading icons from file
    Number hBigIcon hSmallIcon;
    myDll.CallProcNumInt(hBigIcon, 0, sIconFN, 1, 32, 32, 16);
    if (hBigIcon == 0); exit; endif;
    myDll.CallProcNumInt(hSmallIcon, 0, sIconFN, 1, 16, 16, 16);
    if (hSmallIcon == 0); exit; endif;
    ' find procedure for sending message to a window
    myDll.FindProc("SendMessageA", parameters, bValue);
    if (!(bValue)); exit; endif;
    ' send message for setting application’s icon
    Number hWnd;
    myDll.CallProcNumInt(nValue, hWnd, 128, 0, hSmallIcon);
    myDll.CallProcNumInt(nValue, hWnd, 128, 1, hBigIcon);
    ' close library
    ' show startup banner for three seconds
    String sBannerFN;
    sBannerFN = sProjDir + "\\banner.bmp";
    dlg.ShowBmp(sBannerFN, 3, FALSE, 2);
  • If you want to include a description or instructions for users in your project, create a RTF file with information (instructions.rtf) and insert following code into another script document named “Instructions”.

  • ' full file name of file with instructions
    Project proj;
    String sFN;
    sFN = sFN + "\\instructions.rtf";
    ' read contents of the file
    File myFile;
    myFile.Open(sFN, OPEN_EXISTING);
    String sInstructions;
    ' show instructions
    MsgBox dialog;
    dialog.Report(sInstructions, 640, 480);
  • We recommend you to close and lock scripts above to avoid users changing it. User can run the scripts by double click on it in project tree window. Insert following code into a script document, check it and run it. After this remove the script document from project.

  • Script s;
    s.AttachDoc("About Presentation");
  • Hint: You can show your own Tips of the Day. Replace contents of file christine.tip in Christine’s installation directory with your own tips. Each line in this file is one tip. Maximum length of each tip is 320 characters.
  • Step Four
    Create autorun.inf file in cdrom directory. Windows detects when a CD is inserted into the CD-ROM drive and runs an application based on the contents of the autorun.inf file located on the CD. Recommended contents of autorun.inf file for your presentation is below.

    open="Christine-GIS\Christine.exe project.cri"

    Step Five
    Finally burn contents of cdrom directory to CD medium and test it. When you insert burned medium into CD-ROM drive, Christine will start and load your project. Startup script in project shows welcome banner and changes Christine’s icon and title.
    Note: Windows has an option to disable autorun functionality. In this case users must run presentation by double click on project file.

    Appendix A – Contents of distribution CD

    Following image of directory tree shows contents of distribution CD. All scripts in this article respect this directory tree.